Step 1: Create the Outcome Strategy Framework

Organisations are increasingly being pressured to think more broadly about social, environmental, economic and cultural outcomes. The Outcome Strategy Framework enables you to clearly demonstrate the impact you are having by clarifying the outcomes you aspire to achieve and the activities you and your partners need to be completing.

What makes the Outcome Strategy Framework powerful is that we put the customer at the heart of the strategy to ensure that you focus on their explicit service needs and the value you want to deliver them in the future. This provides a clear line of sight between activities and the upstream outcomes, therefore allowing you to make sound investment decisions in strategic initiatives.

Step 2: Define Performance Measures

High-performing organisations demonstrate their external impact, however many organisations don’t measure and monitor outcomes because they believe it’s impractical or too subjective. The Outcome Strategy Framework provides a solid foundation for defining a hierarchy of lead and lag indicators so that you can measure and monitor the success of your strategy and confidently tell your performance story.

Step 3: Cascade into Operational Plans

With clear measures of success in place, and clarity about which entity is responsible for each activity and initiative, you can develop operational plans for each entity off the Outcome Strategy Framework. The operational plan sets out the work programme to deliver on the performance indicators embedded in the Outcome Strategy Framework. This in turn enables you to accurately calculate the financial implications and budgets, thereby ensuring each entity has the required resources to successfully deliver on their unique contributions to the achievement of the overall outcome.

Step 4: Govern the Execution

To ensure you successfully deliver on the Outcome Strategy Framework, you need to review your progress so that you learn and adapt the outcome framework to stay on track for success. We can help you establish an execution model made up of three essential pillars: a governance board (made up of representatives from each entity), the Strategy Management Office (SMO) and individual entities.

The SMO is the core pillar because it provides the “glue” that holds strategy execution together. Without the SMO, the integrity of the system is vulnerable as nobody is driving a coordinated focus or offering an alternative line of sight on fundamental issues and challenges that cut across the organisation or sector. This SMO is essentially the execution conductor that ensures the governance board and individual entities work in unison to deliver sustainable success.